USC Class of ’75

Class of ’75 Fifty Year Reunion

The discussion will continue and we will post the latest info and additional functions for Friday and Sunday at https://uscalumni.info/classof75

The cost for St. Clair CC will be $100 per person and payment may be sent to Bruce Marks at: Marks & Sokolov, LLC, 1835 Market Street, 17th Floor, Philadelphia PA 19103.

Or pay online at https://marks-sokolov.com/contact/ or scan the QR Code
We are also collecting donations to cover some of the costs of the weekend’s events.

Hotel:  The Class has reserved a block of 20 rooms at the Crown Plaza Hotel for $169 per night, with free breakfast for two.  Phone: (412) 833-5300

Program: Ann Talman atalwoman@gmail.com and Steve Cerveris steve@cerverismediation.comwill be organizing the program and entertainment. 

If you have talent, please contact them to be involved.

Raffle: To make this even more special, we are planning a raffle that will add fun and camaraderie to our gathering.

We invite you to donate something unique for the raffle. Whether it’s a handmade craft, a book you have written, a gift basket, a piece of art you have created,

a service you can offer, a gift card or anything that represents your personal touch, your contribution will help make our reunion truly memorable.

Jeff Thompson is coordinating.  thompsonjeff722@gmail.com.

Memorial Table:  We will set up a memorial table for classmates who have passed.  If you have something you would like to contribute please contact us.

Social Media: USC Class of ’75 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/USC1975/   Website:  https://uscalumni.info &  http://usc1975.com

Ideas: If you have any ideas on how to make this the best reunion ever, please let us know and you are welcome to join the team.

Questions: Please email Bruce at marks@mslegal.com or contact any member of the committee group.


Bruce Marks – Coordinator / Treasurer

Tom Griffith – Master of Ceremony 

Ann Talman & Steve Cerveris – Program/Entertainment

Kim Reick Fisher: – Friday/Sunday events

Sue Abbott & Trish Conover Hare – Classmate calls

Polly Brown Fikse – St Clair Country Club

Jeff Thompson – Raffle

Dan Wilhelm & Jerry Clark

We want to make sure everyone is notified – A Invitation was sent out on 1/23/25 – so if your info has changed – log into the address book and update or send us a email at admin@usc1975.com

Thank you Sue Castriota for our 50 year reunion Logo.