USC Class of ’74

USCHS Class of 1974 50th Reunion Weekend Class Photo UPDATE: Photos that were ordered and paid for directly with our photographer should be mailed out to you in the next two weeks. (There was an error at the processing center and the pictures had to be returned and redone.) Thank you for your order and patience.

The Upper Saint Clair High School Class of 1974’s Fiftieth Year Reunion is history!

Thanks to the 150+ classmates and guests who participated in the Celebration Events.

Special thanks to the Committee Members who made the Reunion possible.

The 50 Year Reunion info will be moved to the “Class of ’74 Fifty Year Reunion” page

Post-Reunion Message from Reunion Chair Teri Austin Hanny:

If I was remiss in not thanking each and everyone of you for your contributions to our Reunion, please know that, even if you didn’t hear it directly from me, I did my best to express to everyone how invaluable you were to the wonderful turnout and experiences over the weekend. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience for everyone!

Carolyn Krebs Bentsen and Jerry Clark will be maintaining our Internet accounts moving forward. I have forwarded to Jerry much of the information I gathered. Please read the following email from Jerry, which you might already have received in an email through MailChimp.

Post-Reunion Message from Webmaster Jerry Clark, USCHS 1975:

Hello, Class of ’74,

We hope everyone enjoyed the reunion. In memory of the 50 year reunion, a webpage was created for you to add your pictures. You do not have to log in to add your pictures. This will be available for a couple more weeks unless it gets spammed. At that time we will remove the ability to add pictures and will display the picture on your website – https://uscalumni.info/classof74/ . Please see the add photos page and Color Our World links .

So please add your pictures and memories Now: https://uscalumni.info/photos . We did the same for the class of ’68 Fifty Year Reunion – http://usc1968/pictures/ . Thank you for your submissions.

Jerry Clark, admin@uscalumni.info

USCHS Class of 1974 50th Reunion Weekend Class Photo UPDATE:

Photos that were ordered and paid for directly with our photographer should be mailed out to you in the next two weeks. (There was an error at the processing center and the pictures had to be returned and redone.) Thank you for your order and patience! 🤗🥰.


Recap of the Reunion Events:

Friday, September 27:
7pm: Homecoming Football Game, USC Panthers Stadium

Final Score: USC Panthers 21, Peter’s Township Mighty Indians 7

8pm-Midnight: Reunion Meet-up at Primanti Brothers, Mt. Lebanon, dress like it’s 1974 to win a prize

Saturday, September 28: 10am: USC High School Tour
6pm-11pm: USC Class of ‘74 Reunion at St. Clair Country Club: The evening included valet parking, dinner, a DJ, raffles, gifts, a decorated selfie corner, dancing, and a cash bar . There was an opportunity to purchase our group picture ($12 cash) and pose for individual photos with a professional photographer.

Sunday, September 29: 10am: Post-Reunion Brunch Get Together at The Porch at Siena, 120 Siena Drive, Upper St. Clair
1pm: Steelers vs Colts – Game Meet-Up: Al’s Café

We are in the process of posting the Reunion Remembrance Video, Departed Classmates information, and submitted pictures from the events on our website.


Have a question? Need more info? Email us and we’ll reply as quickly as we can.

Our website is https://uscalumni.info/classof74.

Thanks for coming to the Reunion! 🎶                                          

Teri (Austin) Hanny, Chairperson


This is the email account for our Reunion:


Watch this Website for a new email address for questions and information exchange after the Reunion.

Our 2024 Reunion Committee:

Teri (Tibbals) Austin Hanny: Reunion chairperson, coordinator and committees liaison.
Carolyn Krebs Bentsen: Directory administrator
Debbie McSteen Kelly: Directory manager.
Marianne Pudlak Choltko: Event manager.
John Sirabella and Teri Hanny:  Financial managers.

Our Website is https://uscalumni.info/class0f74 .