Class of ’74 Fifty Year Reunion

USCHS Class of 1974 50 Year Reunion Weekend Class Photo UPDATE: Photos that were ordered and paid for directly with our photographer should be mailed out to you in the next two weeks. (There was an error at the processing center and the pictures had to be returned and redone.) Thank you for your order and patience.

Class of 1974 Fifty Year Reunion Attendees:

Susan Abbott
Jill Adamson
Teri Austin
Jim Ayers
Jonathan Baker
John Bash
Julie Beck
Joy Borelli
Roy Bower
Jim Cavender
Thomas Cawley
Julie Colditz
Joseph Coltman
Karen Copetas
Judy Courtney
Laurie Davies
Donna Dickey
Kerry Diehl
William Dietrich
Donna Lagattuta
Melissa Duvall
Margie Eddy
Jack Elliott
David Esch
Joe Ferneding
Susan Froetschel
Kevin Garber
Carol Garcia
Christopher Gibson
Jeff Gilliam
Eileen Gilligan
Robert Scott Gray
Scott Greenawalt
Daniel Groff
Craig Hanlon
David Hauth
Kenneth Helm
David Henderson
Chuck Heron
Larry Hollowood
Stephen Inman
Keith Itzel
John Kardos
Norah Kavanagh
Kathleen Keaney
Jere Keiser
Dennis Kelly
Bruce Klimcheck
Carolyn Krebs
Anthony Lambert
Deborah Lawman
Daniel Lind
Richard Lints
Richard Luley
Paul MacMillan
Susan Mahla
William Maher
Susan Manahan
Frank Joseph Marsh
Carol May
Robert McCall
Donna McLean
Deborah McSteen
Cathy Mease
Jim Meston
Patricia Miller
David Minor
Catherine Mooney
Scott Moore
Dale Nagy
Jean Rankin Neiles-Strunjas
Judith Norman
David Norton
Joni O’Connor
Lynne Ochs
Kathy Opar
Nicholas Steve Pappas
Bill Pardini
Ralph Paul
Kevin Perry
Peter Plantes
Scott Poundstone
Marianne Pudlak
Tim Ragaller
Cynthia Rice
Melodie Rogers
Scott Roney
Nancy Sabo
Anouk Sassouni
Nancy Schane
Michelle Simpson
John Sirabella
Martin Smith
Sue Sprong
Charles Stewart
Karen Stine
Jennifer Stoy
Sharon Sullivan
David Tazza
Patrick Thomas
Richard Thompson
Jill Truskey
Dirk Vandermeer
Pamela Walker
Linda Walsh
Suzanne Weiland
Helen Whitaker
Ronald Wilcher
Nancy Winner
Dan Winters
Karen Woll
Carol Beth Wright
Phyllis Zimmerman

Required Registrations have been Finalized

(Teri sent this MailChimp message September 6, 2024.)


I hope you are among the 150 registered for our Reunion Weekend!

Schedule of Events

Friday, September 27:

7pm: Homecoming Football Game, USC vs Peter’s Township at USC Panther’s Stadium (USCHS is emailing tickets to those registered).
8pm-Midnight?: Reunion Meet-up at Primanti Brothers, Mt. Lebanon ($ on your own). Dress like it’s 1974 to win a prize.

Saturday, September 28:

10am: USC High School Tour (registration required).
6pm-11pm: USC Class of ‘74 Reunion at St. Clair Country Club (prepayment  registration required). The evening includes valet parking, dinner, a DJ, raffles, gifts, a decorated selfie corner, dancing, and a cash only bar ($ on your own). You will also have an opportunity to purchase our group picture ($12 cash) and pose for individual photos with a professional photographer ($ on your own).

Sunday, September 29:

10am: Post-Reunion Brunch Get Together at The Porch at Siena, 120 Siena Drive, Upper St. Clair ($ on your own).
1pm: Steelers vs Colts – Game Meet-Up: Al’s Café ($ on your own).

We will be posting the Reunion Remembrance Video, Departed Classmates information and submitted pictures from the events on our website in October.

Required registration is now closed.   Confirmations were emailed when your payment was received.  


Have a question? Need more info? Email us and we’ll reply as quickly as we can.

Our website is

See you in September! 🎶                                          

Teri (Austin) Hanny, Chairperson

Email USCHS74Reunion!


This is the email account for our Reunion:

Our 2024 Reunion Committee:

Teri (Tibbals) Austin Hanny: Reunion chairperson, coordinator and committees liaison.
Carolyn Krebs Bentsen: Directory administrator
Debbie McSteen Kelly: Directory manager.
Marianne Pudlak Choltko: Event manager.
John Sirabella and Teri Hanny:  Financial managers.

Our Website is .


Upcoming Events

Sep 12

September 12, 2025 – September 14, 2025

Class of ’75 Fifty Year Reunion Weekend.

Sep 13

6:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Class of ’75 Fifty Year Reunion evening at Saint Clair Country Club

View Calendar


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This site was created in the hope of setting up a location that all Upper St. Clair Alumni classes and groups could have a presence. There will never be a charge for this site or content